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"Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy" Screenings

The kidney health screening is designed to identify and educate individuals at increased risk for developing kidney disease. Individuals at increased risk are those with diabetes and/or high blood pressure or with a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney disease. The purpose of the screening is to delay or prevent the development of chronic kidney disease.


Participants will have physical measurements taken, along with blood and urine samples to determine their kidney function. An on-site medical professional will review these results with participants who will receive educational materials about preventing and treating kidney disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.


For more information about this free screening or to host a screening at your church or work, please contact Tracey Eldridge at (504) 861-4500 or at

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National Kidney Foundation of Louisiana, Inc.

8200 Hampson Street, Suite 229 

New Orleans, Louisiana 70118

Phone Number: (504) 861-4500 

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